
Rental Rates

Rental Rates 2024

Rates per Week GBP USD
All dates except Christmas/New Year £2,250 $2,800
Christmas and New Year £2,775 $3,325

Minimum rental period is usually ONE week.

Payment can be made in £UK, US$, Euro or TT$.

To reserve the villa, we require 25% deposit of the rental, with the balance due 6 weeks prior to arrival.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Agreement
    1. 1.1. These terms and conditions form the basis of the agreement between the person(s) who sign(s) the Booking Form and the owners of Villa Sea Breeze ("the Property") for the holiday rental of the Property.
    2. 1.2. References to "you" in these terms and conditions means the person(s) named on the Booking Form. You agree that you are over 18 years of age and that you accept full responsibility for all payments due and for the consequences of any actions of all persons who will use the Property during your holiday.
  2. Booking
    1. 2.1. We will confirm the booking on receipt of the Booking Form and a deposit of 25% of the holiday rental fee ("the Deposit"). The Booking Form may be sent by email in which case the sender is deemed to be the person who "signs" the booking form.
    2. 2.2. Once we have confirmed the booking from you and have received the Deposit then an agreement exists between us on these terms and conditions.
    3. 2.3. We will accept a provisional booking and reserve the Property for your holiday provided that we receive the Deposit from you within 7 working days.
    4. 2.4. If the holiday is due to start within 8 weeks of the date of booking the total of the holiday rental fee is payable at the time of booking.
    5. 2.5. No subsequent changes may be made to any part of the Booking Form without our express written approval.
  3. Final Payment
    1. 3.1. The balance of the holiday rental fee less any Deposit will become due 8 weeks before the start of the holiday plus a security deposit (see 3.2 below). We will not send you a reminder or a receipt unless you have requested one. If the balance is not received on time we reserve the right to cancel your booking and retain the Deposit.
    2. 3.2. A security deposit of £500/US$1000 must also be received in full at the time of final payment. This will be refunded after the completion of your stay less any costs arising as a result of a breach of Section 7 [Your Obligations].
  4. Cancellation
    1. 4.1. You may cancel your booking at any time provided you do so in writing to us but you will remain liable for the full balance of the holiday rental fee. We will seek to re-let the Property for all or part of the booking period and, if successful, will refund the money paid by you less an administrative charge of [£10].
    2. 4.2. We reserve the right to re-let at a discount or for a shorter period in which case we will pay the refund or a proportion of it if the Property is re-let for a shorter period, less the discount and administration charge.
    3. 4.3. We do not operate any scheme of cancellation or travel insurance and you should obtain your own insurance cover for the holiday if you wish to.
    4. 4.4. We reserve the right to cancel the booking at any time if we deem it necessary to do so. In these unlikely circumstances we will refund in full all money received by us for the booking. We will not otherwise be liable for any loss incurred by you as a result of the cancellation but will provide reasonable help in trying to find alternative accommodation.
  5. Change of Booking
    1. 5.1. We will endeavour to assist you in a transfer of a booking to an alternative date at your request and an administrative charge of [£25] will be made in such a case in addition to any increased rent due to the change of date.
    2. 5.2. Changes cannot be accepted within two months of the start date of the holiday
    3. 5.3. If a change results in a reduction in the length of the holiday it will be regarded as a cancellation.
  6. Occupation of the Property
    1. 6.1. You must not use the Property for any purpose other than that of a holiday and your stay at the Property is entirely at your own risk.
    2. 6.2. The number of people staying in the Property must not exceed the maximum number of 10 unless agreed otherwise. The use of tents or sleeping in motor vehicles adjacent to the Property is not permitted.
    3. 6.3. You must not use the Property or allow its use for any dangerous, offensive, noisy, illegal or immoral activities or carry on there any act that may be a nuisance or annoyance to us or to any neighbours.
    4. 6.4. You and your guests undertake to treat the staff at SeaBreeze with consideration and respect.
    5. 6.5. You and your guests must comply with any reasonable regulations relating to the Property, which will be communicated to you on your arrival at the Property.
  7. Your Obligations
    1. 7.1. You agree to keep the Property and its contents in the same condition and repair as on your arrival at the Property and to pay to us upon written demand any costs incurred in making good any loss or damage to the Property or its contents caused by your action or omission or that of any guest accompanying you. Breakages and damage must be reported to us as soon as possible.
    2. 7.2. You must allow anyone authorised by us to enter the Property during the holiday although we will always try to avoid this. We will endeavour to give you reasonable notice of such a visit except in an emergency when immediate access must be allowed.
    3. 7.3. You must ensure that the Property is left in as clean and tidy a condition on your departure at the end of your holiday as you found it on arrival. You will be charged if additional cleaning is necessary before the next guests arrive.
    4. 7.4. You must ensure that all furniture and utensils are stored where they were when you arrived at the villa.
  8. Our Right to Refuse/Terminate
    1. 8.1. We reserve the right to refuse any booking.
    2. 8.2. We reserve the right to terminate this Agreement and ask you and your guests to leave immediately if this is deemed necessary by us as a result of your behaviour or that of your guests or any other material breach by you of the terms of this Agreement.
  9. Arrival and Departure
    1. 9.1. The holiday rental period begins at [1600hrs] on the first day of the booking period and ends at [1100hrs] on the day of the departure. If your stay extends beyond this period you may be subject to a charge for the additional days as well as for all reasonable costs and losses incurred as a result, directly or indirectly, including but not restricted to, the cost of providing transport, food and alternative accommodation for any incoming guests.
  10. Description and facilities
    1. 10.1. We will endeavour to inform you at the time of booking of any changes to the brochure or web site description of the Property or of any events which may be taking place near the Property during your holiday. We do not accept any liability for any works or activity of any sort occurring on adjoining or neighbouring the Property.
    2. 10.2. It is our policy to support the local economy as much as possible. To that end we use local trades people and suppliers whenever possible. While we endeavour to keep everything working and the property in a good state at all times, being a small Caribbean island, it is not always possible to find competent labour or materials or goods at short notice. Guests are asked to understand this and be aware that such a situation might occur during their stay.
    3. 10.3. While we do our best to make fair representation of the property in our advertising, guests should make any enquiries they feel necessary before making their decision to avoid any misconceptions.
  11. Tenancy
    1. 11.1. This Agreement is for the purposes of a holiday rental only and does not create the relationship of Landlord and Tenant between you and us. You will not be entitled to a tenancy or to any other form of statutory security of tenure as a result of this Agreement.
  12. Complaint
    1. 12.1. If you have any cause for complaint during your holiday at the Property please notify the Manager who will make all reasonable efforts to assist and resolve the issue. We will not normally make any refund or recompense in respect of a complaint made after departure if the complaint was not made known to the Manager during the holiday rental period.
  13. Lost and Damaged Property and Injury
    1. 13.1. We shall not be responsible for loss or damage to any of your belongings or for any injuries sustained by you or any of your guests during your stay at SeaBreeze.
    2. 13.2. You shall be liable for and indemnify us against any liabilities, damages, claims, costs, losses (whether direct or indirect and including loss of profits) and expenses incurred or paid by us arising from any breach by you of these terms and conditions or from any negligence or willful default of you or of any guests.
  14. Data Protection
    1. All personal data provided to us will be held and processed in accordance with the requirements of the 1998 Data Protection Act. We will keep your personal data safe and secure. We will not share it with other organisations without your knowledge and consent, unless required by law to do so.
  15. Governing Law
    1. The construction, validity and performance of these terms and conditions shall be governed by the law of England and Wales, and both parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the UK Court.

Privacy Policy

As the owners of SeaBreeze we are committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of our guests. This privacy policy document explains what personal information we collect and how we use it.

What data do we collect?

The only personal data we collect is the information you send to us either via the contact form on this website or by email for the purposes of enquiring or arranging a stay at SeaBreeze. This data usually comprises the following: your name, your email address, the dates of your stay or proposed stay and your travel arrangements. In a few cases it also includes a phone number and a postal address. Where a refund is made it may also include the bank details to which the refund was paid.

What do we do with your data?

Your data is solely used

  • To facilitate or respond to your enquiry about a stay at SeaBreeze.
  • To keep a record of who stayed at the villa and all payments paid by either party.

What data do we keep after you leave the villa and for how long?

In general we keep only your name and email address – in some cases a phone number and postal address if it was given to us and recorded – and the dates of your stay. We also keep a record of all payments. This data has to be kept for 8 years to comply with the Tax authority's regulations. After that we keep an abbreviated record of booking dates and your name for statistical purposes only.

Who sees your data?

YOUR DATA IS NOT SHARED WITH ANY THIRD PARTY AND is only seen by the manager and/or the owners of SeaBreeze. The dates of your stay at the villa are published on the website showing only firstname and start and end dates.

How is the data stored?

Your data is stored in a secure Microsoft datacentre and backed up on a single PC protected by Kaspersky Cloud behind two firewalls and several passwords. Only the owners of SeaBreeze know the passwords. No hard copy is kept of your data.

How can you check what data we have?

Please email [email protected] and we will forward details to you

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